How Can I Get Rid Of Jock Itch Quickly? | What Kills Jock Itch The Fastest? How Do You Treat Jock Itch Yourself?

How Can I Get Rid Of Jock Itch Quickly? | What Kills Jock Itch The Fastest? How Do You Treat Jock Itch Yourself?

How Can I Get Rid Of Jock Itch Quickly? | What Kills Jock Itch The Fastest? How Do You Treat Jock Itch Yourself?

What Is Jock Itch?
Jock itch is an fungi infection effects specifically near genital area. As the time passes it grows and get worse and form a stinging rash and it is found in people who sweat alot.

Tinea cruris is also a second name for jock itch, it effects the groin area, buttocks and the area of the inner thighs. This is commonly found in male. Sadly jock itch is a contagious infection. It is likely to spread by sharing clothes or other inner or outer accessories like towels or socks.

Common Jock Itch Symptoms:
People may experience itching and burning
Most people may also see a red, scaly, or circular red rashes with pointed raised edges
There is also increased risk of peeling, cracking or flaking skin.

What Causes Jock Itch? What kills jock itch the fastest
- make sure the groin area is clean and moisturished and not wet
- avoid wearing tight clothes
- avoid sharing damp wet towels or clothes of other family members or friends
- avoid wearing bathrobes for long hours
- people overweight are likely to experience jock itch more
- people with week immune system and diabetics are experiencing more resh.

How can I get rid of jock itch quickly
- Keep the area clean dry but moisturise
- Try to use a different towel on the rash area and other body parts
- Carefully read the instruction on the cream lotion and then apply on the effected parts
- Consult your doctor before taking any medicine or cream

How do you treat jock itch yourself
Shower - make a habit of taking bath daily and specially after sports or gyming.

Keep dry - Pat dry your groin area with a towel, you can use a anti fungal powder with your physician consultation.

Never share - avoid sharing towels or clothes.

Change wash dry clothes everyday - change your clothes everyday after workouts, specifically your inner under garments should be changed daily, as these are more prone to increase jock itch.

Try avoid using tight clothes - As you are aware tight clothes may trigger with the skin and make the itching area more flaky as it rub more and more.

Fungal infection - Athletes are more likely to get tinea pedis, which may grow in the groin area and cause a jock itch

Always consult your physician before taking any treatment


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